Albuquerque Fashion Incubator
Growing Sewn Product & Fashion Businesses in New Mexico.
The Albuquerque Fashion Incubator offers a one-of-a-kind, hands-on training opportunity in sewn product manufacturing. It is the only one of its kind in the world. Really.

News from Sewing Factory School
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Fall 2019 Apparel Manufacturing Boot Camp Registration is Open
Our next event, Fall 2019, we will be making warm winter coats for donation to children in New Mexico. The design will draw inspiration and design elements from Fall 2017, our most popular design. We will be doing it all from pattern grading, spreading, cutting, organization,sewing and finally distribution. Here are the details: Pre-Production: July…
Continue Reading Fall 2019 Apparel Manufacturing Boot Camp Registration is Open
Our charity status was approved!
I’m pleased to announce that our IRS application for 501c3 status was approved in only 3 weeks. I’d heard it can take up to 2 years for approval so we were very pleased that our commitments to assisting needy New Mexico kids and increasing economic development through training entrepreneurs in factory management, was recognized so…
We’re becoming a Not for Profit! And, a 2017 Summary of Good Works
At the end of this year, we want to provide an update to everyone who is interested in the ABQFI community and mission. Our mission is to produce first quality sewn products for donation to charities and underserved communities in New Mexico; these products are made by volunteers during events that we host twice each…
Continue Reading We’re becoming a Not for Profit! And, a 2017 Summary of Good Works