Registration for Fall 2016 Apparel Manufacturing Boot Camp is open

Many apologies for the delay in getting this information together but we’ve finally opened registration for Fall 2016, Apparel Manufacturing Boot Camp. If you already know you want to come, jump to this page for more information and registration details.  Here’s the redux:

The design phase will be held on July 1-4, 2016. There are six slots open with three reserved for New Mexico residents. If we don’t fill the NM slots by June 21st, we’ll take names from the waiting list.

The production segment is Sept 2-5, 2016 with coaches and managers starting work on September 1st. We encourage anyone to come early, especially if you want to help with spreading which takes place on September 1st.  Marker making will be done on the last day of August.

As we learn and become better at calculating staffing requirements, we reduce the head count. Accordingly, for Fall 2016, there will only be 25 slots available. I apologize for having to disappoint those who can’t get in but there is no other solution at this time as we want to be able to keep everyone busy.





6 Replies to “Registration for Fall 2016 Apparel Manufacturing Boot Camp is open”

  1. Sure wish I could come back so soon but doubt I can swing it.

    FYI that I found the paragraph about the design phase confusing. Dates are July 1-4, but NM slots might go to the waiting list on July 15. I’m guessing that’s a typo and wanted to let you know.


  2. Thanks Lisa, I have corrected this.


  3. I’ve sent invoices to all who have registered thus far so if you didn’t get one and it’s not in your spam folder, you’re not registered. Writing a one line reply (“I’m in!”) to the email I sent, does not register you. Follow the link in the email.

    If one is in doubt as to availability, it is better to sign up than to email asking me if there is still space because my time is very limited and if there are no slots left, you’d still be at the top of the wait list.


  4. I have signed up but I would like to know if you recommend coming the day before and leave the day after as for production part. I need to buy my airline ticket!


  5. Is there still an opening in the design phase?


  6. Chantel Graham May 1, 2017 at 9:41 pm

    Dear Kathleen,
    I would like to be on your Fall Boot Camp Production Waiting List. Would you please e-mail a invoice for the registration fee to allow my name to be placed on your list.
    Thank you,

    Contact Information:

    Phone/Text: 480-842-6135


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